Wednesday, December 2, 2015

CTNX 2015: Rusty is my middle name

If anyone is reading this that has never been to the CTN art and animation expo, do yourself a favor and get out there sometime. It's an unfailingly inspiring and informative experience, and I plan to attend every year I can. It's a great few days to see friends I don't often get to see, and generally be surrounded by people that do what I do.Below are some of the sketches that resulted from waiting in panel lines or lurking around the costumed model drawing stations. They may not be pretty, but they represent progress!

Please ignore the yellow splotches. I was in a hurry this time and I got a big acrylic ink stain on my scanner during Inktober.

These two were models at CTNX last year as well, they are awesome.

Nerds I saw whilst lurking about in panel lines.

This Sweeney Todd-esque costume was one of my favorites. These two pages also include random silly animals. 

More Sweeney Todd - guy, and a collection of random doodles from panel lines. 

Gotta work on my gesture drawing. 

This lady model had some really great poses that were fun to sketch

Ink sketching is fun because you have to commit. Makes it easy to see where you can improve afterwards

One model and a few fellow CTNers

Experiences like CTN always renew my inspiration and motivation to improve, largely because of the volume of other artists to confer with. Surrounding oneself with artists is a sure way to challenge yourself, and to draw on a a shared passion to stoke that motivational fire. Go forth, and art together!

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